Financial Stability for Women

“A woman’s power comes from the depth of her heart, not the strength of her muscles.” It is the ability to transform pain into purpose, tears into triumph, and challenges into unwritten chapters of strength.” – Shree Shambav.

In Conversation with Author Shree Shambav about the Importance of Financial Stability for Women. Interview Questions by Psychologist Roger Harris.

Financial Independence is an important topic of discussion and who would be best to convey the message to the youth of Today, other than the Authors. The International and National Authors Panel with us has extreme knowledge, experience and have paved their way with their work. Thus we have received the Golden Opportunity tied up with Interview Times to do an interview on the Topic “Financial Stability for Women with Psychologist Roger Harris”.

Q1) Hi Shree Shambav! This is Roger Harris; we are so glad to have you on this platform. Please do tell us more about yourself, your author’s journey.

In Conversation with Author, Philanthropist, Life coach and Entrepreneur Shree Shambhav

Shree Shambav is a multifaceted individual, excelling as an author, philanthropist, life coach, and entrepreneur. His proficiency spans technical papers, books, and blogs, showcasing his versatile writing skills. Shambav’s writing journey began with his acclaimed book, “Journey of Soul Karma,” where he imparts profound insights drawn from diverse experiences and contemplations. Recognized with multiple literature awards, his literary contributions have garnered acclaim.

An alumnus of the Indian Institute of Management and the National Institute of Technology, Shree Shambav brings extensive experience from the business and commercial world, holding high positions at multinational corporations. He is the author or co-author of many technical papers, books, and blogs, including the award-winning “Journey of Soul – Karma,” “Twenty + One Series – I,” “Twenty + One Series – II,” and his book on a collection of quotes, “Life Changing Journey – 365 Inspirational Quotes.” His recent release, “Unveiling the Enigma, Death – Light of Life and the Shadow of Death,” adds to his impressive literary repertoire.

The impact of his formative years…

During his formative years, Shree Shambav found solace in the serene woods, where he would lose himself in the company of delicate flowers and colourful butterflies, chasing kites and dragonflies, and amusing himself with the touch-me-nots. Though he had a deep-seated fear of scorpions and reptiles, he couldn’t resist playing under the pouring rain, croaking like a frog and cooing like a cuckoo, while feeding the sparrows, crows, and other feathered friends.

He spent endless hours basking under the radiant sun and developed a fascination for the nocturnal creatures and the enigmatic stars, often listening to tales of the moon and darkness. His exuberance and carefree spirit led him to soil his clothes after long days of play. As he fully immersed himself in nature, it became his mentor, and its influence shines brightly in his Twenty + One Series and Life-Changing Journey.

Shree Shambav was blessed with a diverse group of mentors who played a pivotal role in shaping his creative journey. His second mentors were the loving individuals who surrounded him – parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, family members and neighbours – all of whom regaled him with endless moral stories, retellings of ancient epics like the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Puranas, and the profound wisdom of the Upanishads. They even provided him with a platform to showcase his talent by performing awe-inspiring Puranic tales and never failed to encourage him along the way. And then came his third mentors – the gifted artists, writers, and translators who illuminated his path with their works of wonder. Their inspiration enlivened him, and they helped him comprehend the intricacies of deeper dimensions with their boundless creativity and accessibility. Together, these mentors instilled in Shree Shambav a passion for creativity and a deep reverence for the arts that would fuel his own masterpieces, like the Journey of soul – Karma, Twenty + One Series, and Death – Light of Life and the Shadow of Death many more for years to come.

The literary journey of Shree Shambav…

In the mind of Shree Shambav, literature holds the key to unlocking new realms and viewpoints, expanding our understanding of self and society. Throughout history, literature has served as a guiding force in shaping our shared culture, imbuing it with cherished values and beliefs. With conviction, Shree Shambav recognises the significance of representation and inclusivity in the realm of storytelling, acknowledging the power of diversity in the literature to create a more equitable world. As an ardent believer in the transformative potential of literature, Shree Shambav notes its capacity to inspire action and kindle social movements, resulting in sweeping, positive change for humanity.

With a deep reverence for the written word, Shree Shambav understands that literature is not just a means of entertainment or education, but a means of cultivating empathy and understanding among all peoples. Through the simple act of reading, we can journey into the lives of others, grasping the experiences and perspectives that we might not otherwise encounter. By allowing ourselves to be drawn into these stories, we can create a bridge of compassion and connection between ourselves and our fellow human beings. And as we come to recognise and honour the diverse voices and stories within literature, we also come to see the powerful role it plays in driving positive change in our world, inspiring movements, and uplifting communities towards a brighter future.

Q2) Why do you feel becoming Financially independent is important and is necessary for people?

Empowering Women: The Transformative Journey of Financial Independence and Its Crucial Role in Society.

In a world where gender equality is not just a buzzword but a paramount aspiration, the significance of women achieving financial independence cannot be overstated. Let’s embark on a profound exploration of why this journey is not merely a personal milestone but a societal necessity, delving into real-life examples, poignant anecdotes, and metaphors that illuminate the transformative power of women’s economic empowerment. Discover the inherent strength and resilience that emerge, akin to a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon.

Consider the metaphorical story of a resilient seedling breaking through the concrete jungle, which echoes the struggles faced by women seeking financial independence. We’ll paint a vivid picture of the interconnectedness of financial empowerment and broader societal prosperity through metaphorical journeys. Consider a garden in which each blooming flower represents a financially independent woman, contributing not only to her growth but also to the overall beauty of the landscape.

We’ll explore how financial independence acts as a catalyst, not only reshaping individual lives but also creating a ripple effect that enriches communities and propels societal progress. Join us on a journey through the narratives of trailblazing women who defied societal norms, shattered glass ceilings, and emerged as beacons of financial empowerment. Their stories demonstrate the far-reaching impact that economically independent women can have, not just on their immediate surroundings, but on the collective psyche of a society yearning for positive change.

Begin a transformative journey that reveals the intricate web of links between women’s financial autonomy and larger societal issues such as education, healthcare, and community development. We’ll delve into the powerful stories of Maria, Aisha, and Carla through compelling real-life examples, demonstrating how economic empowerment acts as a catalyst, influencing positive outcomes that go far beyond individual financial standing.

Maria, hailing from a marginalised community, showcases the ripple effect of financial independence. Not only did she secure her own future, but she became a beacon of change in her community. Maria’s access to education increased, uplifting the educational standards of her entire community, and breaking the cycle of generational poverty.

Aisha, an entrepreneur in a developing region, demonstrates how financial independence empowers women to become drivers of economic growth. Through her successful business ventures, Aisha not only achieved personal prosperity but also created job opportunities, contributing to the economic development of her community.

Carla, a single mother navigating the complexities of life, exemplifies how financial autonomy enhances resilience. With the ability to make independent financial decisions, Carla secured stability for her family, providing her children with a better quality of life and breaking stereotypes about women’s financial capabilities.

As we navigate this exploration, drawing parallels between the growth of empowered women and the flourishing of a vibrant garden, these three stories become the brushstrokes painting a vivid picture of the profound impact of women’s financial independence on the canvas of societal progress. Join us in illuminating the metaphorical symphony of societal harmony, where economic empowerment becomes a crucial melody creating a more equitable and prosperous world for all.

Q3) This is a very serious question and we need your understanding and take on it. So, by profession I am a psychologist, in my years of career I have noticed that a lot of women who are financially well off, do submit a cut of their money or often give out their entire income to the male counterparts. Why do you think this is the case?

Why do women occasionally allocate a portion or the entirety of their earnings to their male counterparts?

Cultural and Societal Expectations: In many cultures, traditional gender roles and expectations persist, shaping the dynamics within relationships. There might be an ingrained belief that men are the primary breadwinners and financial providers. Women, even when financially successful, may adhere to these expectations, contributing their earnings to maintain a perceived balance in the relationship.

Power Dynamics and Social Conditioning: Power dynamics in relationships can be very important. Women may associate financial contribution with a sense of security and stability in the relationship as a result of social conditioning. As a result, women may be willing to share their financial resources in order to maintain harmony and avoid potential conflicts..

Generational Influence: Family upbringing and generational values can also influence this behaviour. If women grew up witnessing similar patterns in their parents’ or grandparents’ relationships, they may subconsciously replicate these financial dynamics, accepting them as the norm.

Relationship Dynamics: The dynamics of a relationship can have a significant impact on financial decisions. Some women may choose to contribute to their partner’s finances to show concern, unity, or a sense of shared responsibility. It could be interpreted as a collaborative and collaborative gesture.

Lack of Financial Education or Confidence: Some women may lack confidence or empowerment when it comes to managing their finances on their own. In such cases, they may delegate financial decisions to their male counterparts, assuming they have better financial knowledge or capabilities.

Communication and Expectations: Open communication about financial expectations is crucial in any relationship. If there is a lack of communication or differing expectations regarding financial contributions, women may default to traditional norms or societal expectations without fully exploring alternative arrangements.

Emotional and Social Conditioning: Individual behaviour can be influenced by emotional conditioning and social expectations. Women may feel obligated or responsible to contribute financially because they believe it improves their worth or status in the relationship.

Shared Goals and Responsibilities: In some cases, financial contributions may be the result of shared goals and responsibilities within the relationship. Couples may decide to pool their resources for common goals such as purchasing a home or funding their children’s education.

Emotional Investment: Women may contribute financially to their partners due to emotional factors such as love, trust, and a desire for emotional connection. They may see financial sharing as a way to strengthen the emotional bond between them..

Fear of Disruption: Women may contribute financially to maintain the status quo and avoid disrupting the existing dynamics of the relationship. Fear of conflict, judgment, or a potential shift in power dynamics might motivate them to continue this pattern.

Understanding the motivations behind this phenomenon frequently necessitates a nuanced examination of individual circumstances, cultural contexts, and the unique dynamics of each relationship. Open communication and a shared understanding of financial roles and responsibilities can help to build more equitable and satisfying partnerships.

Q4) Do you feel financial independence has some say in putting one’s voice forward and raising voices on issues like abuse and domestic violence?

Autonomy and Decision-Making Power: Financial independence provides individuals with the autonomy to make decisions about their lives. When someone has control over their financial resources, they are less dependent on others for basic needs, giving them the power to make choices that prioritise their well-being.

Escape from Abusive Situations: Financial independence allows people to leave abusive environments. Individuals with financial resources are better equipped to leave toxic relationships, seek safe housing, and access support services, breaking free from abusive cycles.

Access to Legal Resources: Individuals who are financially self-sufficient have access to legal resources and representation. When pursuing legal action against abusers or seeking protective measures, this is critical. Navigating the legal system without financial resources can be difficult.

Emotional Independence: Financial independence contributes to emotional independence. Individuals who are not financially reliant on their abusers are more likely to speak out against mistreatment, knowing that they have the means to support themselves independently.

Participation in Advocacy: Financially independent individuals are more likely to engage in advocacy and activism against abuse. They can join support groups, community organisations, and campaigns aimed at raising awareness about domestic violence, using their resources to contribute to positive change.

Educational Opportunities: Financial independence allows individuals to gain access to education and skill development, which further empowers them to understand their rights and advocate for abuse. Education builds resilience and provides individuals with the knowledge they need to navigate complex situations.

Setting Boundaries: Individuals with financial independence are able to set boundaries in their relationships. When someone can support themselves financially, they are in a better position to establish and enforce boundaries, reducing the likelihood of enduring abusive behaviour.

Reduced Vulnerability: Financially independent individuals are less vulnerable to economic coercion, a tactic often employed in abusive relationships. Economic independence reduces the abuser’s ability to control through financial means, enabling survivors to assert their rights.

Breaking Societal Stigmas: Financially independent individuals challenging abuse contribute to breaking societal stigmas surrounding victims of domestic violence. By speaking out, they defy stereotypes and encourage others to recognize and address abusive behaviours.

Modelling Empowerment: Financially independent individuals serve as role models for others, demonstrating that economic empowerment is a key factor in breaking free from abusive situations. Their stories inspire and encourage others to seek financial independence as a means of self-empowerment.

In essence, financial independence provides the foundation for individuals to reclaim their agency, speak out against abuse, and actively contribute to efforts aimed at eradicating domestic violence. It is a fundamental element in fostering resilience and creating a path toward a life free from abuse.

Q5) As an author what should be one quote that you want to share on Financial Independence.

Concluding with a poignant quote:

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