
Reiki is alternative healing that has gained popularity over the years. It is a Japanese technique that was introduced by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. The word “Reiki” is a combination of two Japanese words, “rei” and “ki,” which mean “universal life force” and “energy” respectively. Reiki is based on the belief that there is a universal energy that flows through every living thing, and by tapping into this energy, one can promote physical and emotional healing.

Reiki is a non-invasive technique that involves the laying of hands on or near the body of the recipient. The practitioner acts as a conduit for the universal energy and directs it to the recipient’s body. Reiki can treat a wide range of physical and emotional ailments, such as stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and even cancer. Reiki is also used to promote relaxation and to improve overall well-being.

During a Reiki session, the recipient lies down or sits comfortably while the practitioner places their hands on or near the body. The practitioner then focuses on directing the universal energy to the recipient, which is believed to promote healing and balance. The energy can be felt as a warm or tingling sensation, and many people report feeling deeply relaxed and peaceful during a Reiki session.

One benefit of Reiki is that it is a non-invasive and gentle technique that can be used on people of all ages, from babies to the elderly. It can also be used with other forms of medical treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, to help reduce side effects and promote healing.

Reiki is not a religion and does not require any belief system. It is a technique that can be learned by anyone, and many people have found it to be a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual development. Reiki practitioners often report feeling more balanced and centred after a session, and many people continue to practise Reiki on themselves and others to maintain their own physical and emotional well-being.

In conclusion, Reiki is a powerful technique that has helped many people to heal physical and emotional ailments, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote overall well-being. It is a gentle and non-invasive technique that can be used on people of all ages, and it can be a valuable tool for anyone interested in personal growth and spiritual development.