12 Questions with Shree Shambav

What experiences or influences inspired you to pursue a career in writing?

During my formative years, I found profound solace in the tranquil embrace of nature. The woods became my sanctuary, a haven where I delighted in the delicate beauty of flowers and butterflies and the exhilarating chase of kites and dragonflies. My childhood was marked by a playful engagement with the natural world—I revelled in the touch-me-nots, marvelling at their gentle reaction. Despite my deep-seated fear of scorpions and reptiles, I couldn’t resist the joy of playing in the pouring rain, croaking like a frog and cooing like a cuckoo, while nurturing a fondness for feeding sparrows, crows, and other feathered friends.

Sunlit days were spent basking in warmth, while the mysteries of nocturnal creatures and the allure of stars enchanted my nights. Tales of the moon and darkness captivated my imagination, and my exuberant spirit often left me with soiled clothes, a testament to my boundless adventures. This intimate connection with nature, with its ceaseless rhythms and beauty, became a profound mentor, its influence reflected in my acclaimed works such as the Twenty + One Series, Life-Changing Journey, and Whispers of Eternity.

My creative evolution was deeply influenced by a constellation of mentors. The second wave of mentorship came from the loving individuals in my life—parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, and family members—who enriched my childhood with moral stories, retellings of ancient epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata, and the profound wisdom of the Upanishads. They provided me with a stage to showcase my talents, encouraging me to perform Puranic tales and nurturing my burgeoning creativity.

The third wave of mentorship emerged from gifted artists, writers, and translators, whose works illuminated my path with wonder and insight. Their boundless creativity and profound insights enabled me to explore deeper dimensions of artistic expression, fuelling my passion for the arts and inspiring masterpieces such as Journey of Soul – Karma, the Twenty + One Series, and Death – Light of Life and the Shadow of Death.

In my early years, I wrote scripts for dramas, performing them with neighbours during festivals and summer vacations, while also painting and writing poetry. As I matured, my world shifted from the slow rhythms of nature to the fast-paced digital realm. Time sped by, and months turned into years. My life once sprinted through the relentless corridors of the corporate world, where time seemed an elusive luxury. Yet, that frenetic pace came to a crashing halt when I encountered a profound loss—a loss that pierced the very essence of my being. This sudden tragedy shattered my sense of direction and plunged me into a cloud of doubt and grief. The world seemed to collapse around me as I grappled with profound questions about my identity and purpose.

In the aftermath of this deeply personal tragedy, a seismic shift began to reverberate within me. I found myself peering into the world through new eyes, glimpsing a deeper purpose beyond the rat race of ambition and success. As the days unfolded, an acute sensitivity to the pain and suffering of all living beings began to gnaw at my soul. The anguish I experienced at the sight of cruelty or harm inflicted upon any creature became unbearable. It was as though a veil had been torn asunder, laying bare the intricate web of interconnectedness woven throughout all life.

In my fervent quest to share this newfound perspective with the world, I embarked on a journey of exploration. I engaged in countless conversations, seeking to convey the message of empathy and compassion that had ignited within me. Yet, it was on a singular day, a day when resolve crystallised within my being, that I decided to wield the transformative power of words.

I took a break from my busy life, embarking on a soul-searching journey. Over time, the answers I found and the experiences I endured crystallised into the beautiful books I now share with the world. My journey of healing and self-discovery, borne from personal sorrow and introspection, has given rise to works that inspire and resonate deeply, reflecting both the challenges I have faced and the wisdom I have gained.

My inaugural literary venture, “Journey of Soul – Karma,” emerged as a testament to this awakening—a poignant chronicle of the profound insights gleaned along my voyage of self-discovery. Thus began the odyssey of a writer—a journey marked by an unyielding commitment to illuminate the path forward, kindle the flames of introspection, and ignite the spark of positive change within the hearts of readers.

Could you walk us through your writing process? Do you follow any specific routines or rituals that help you stay focused and motivated?

What is your typical day like when you’re immersed in writing a book?

I dedicate my early mornings to crafting creative content, spending around three hours each day focused solely on this task. My evenings are reserved for refining and elaborating this content with analogies and stories, devoting an additional two hours to this endeavour. The rest of my day is spent engaged with technology and managing various aspects of my business, seamlessly integrating my diverse interests and responsibilities.

Do you have any unique rituals or habits that help you get into the writing zone?

I begin each day with a grounding ritual that includes prayer, Pranayama, Trataka Kriya, and meditation, setting a serene and focused tone for my work. I review my to-do list and finalise my schedule for the day before diving into content creation. A cherished part of my writing routine is savouring a cup of tea, which I consider my “elixir” for sharpening my mind and invigorating my creativity.

How do you balance your writing with your other professional commitments?

For me, writing is not just a task but a way of life—an ongoing journey of learning, understanding, and connecting with the world around me. I find inspiration in nature and the people I encounter, believing that every creation has its own story to tell. This perspective fuels my passion for writing, allowing me to integrate it seamlessly with my professional commitments. By embracing writing as a natural extension of my experiences and interests, I maintain a harmonious balance between my literary pursuits and business responsibilities, driven by a desire to share my insights and truths with the world.

What challenges did you face while writing your book(s), and how did you overcome them?

During times of low motivation or creative blocks, I rely on a simple yet powerful mantra: “Just wait for good times to turn; there is a reason for everything, and only time will provide better answers.” This reminder helps me remain patient and trust the process.

When I find myself stuck or struggling to refine my thoughts, I give myself the space to breathe and shift my focus to completely different topics. I often swap my schedule to tackle other tasks on my to-do list. Sometimes, this means taking a break for a few days or even weeks. Even when I consciously step away, my subconscious mind continues to work on the problem. Then, almost magically, the ideas begin to flow again, often with greater clarity and refinement.

For me, creative content is more than just words on a page; it’s an expression of belief, someone’s story, their pain, suffering, and happiness. When I reconnect with this deeper purpose, the motivation to write often returns naturally. This approach allows me to honour the creative process and the stories I wish to tell, trusting that the ebb and flow of inspiration will always lead me back to the heart of my work.

How do you unwind and relax when you’re not writing or working?

When I need to unwind and relax, I completely disconnect from all my activities. I switch off my phone and enter a mode of silence, allowing myself to wander without any particular purpose. Sometimes, I practice Vipassana meditation, immersing myself in deep silence and introspection.

At other times, I leave behind all gadgets and retreat to my estates in Kodaikanal and Kanchipuram, where I embrace the beauty of nature. There, I live simply and mindfully, soiling my hands in the earth, drenching in the rain, and cooking natural food sourced from the land. These moments spent in raw nature offer me a profound sense of relaxation and true wisdom.

Connecting with nature in this unfiltered way rejuvenates my spirit. The serenity of the natural world, the feel of the earth beneath my fingers, the sound of the rain, and the simplicity of a meal cooked from fresh, natural ingredients all bring me a deep sense of peace. These experiences ground me, allowing me to find clarity and inspiration away from the demands of daily life. It is in these quiet, unhurried moments that I find the deepest relaxation and a renewed sense of purpose.

In my role as a counsellor and guide to my believers, I pour out all my experiences, stories, pain, sufferings, and challenges. Through this process, I often feel like there’s little left to reveal that could surprise anyone. However, one lesser-known aspect of my life is my deep, personal relationship with nature and solitude.

Despite my public persona, I cherish moments of seclusion where I can connect with the natural world in a raw and unfiltered way. These moments of quiet reflection and immersion in nature are where I find my deepest inspiration and peace. It’s in these hidden retreats, away from the eyes of the world, that I truly recharge and gather the strength to continue my journey. This connection to nature is not just a source of inspiration for my writing, but a fundamental part of my being that keeps me grounded and centred amidst the demands of public life.

Which authors or books have had the greatest impact on your writing style, and what do you admire most about their work?

In my unique “Shambavism” style of writing, the most challenging part is crafting authentic conversations between Guruji and his devotees. Each dialogue is born from the deep pain, suffering, curiosity, loss, desire, and greed of the followers. These dialogues must transcend mere words and address the profound emotions behind each question.

Guruji’s responses need to penetrate the surface of the quest and touch the heart of the person asking. It’s about understanding the pain behind the question and guiding them to realise the root of their suffering and how they can find a way out. This depth of understanding and empathy is crucial for the response to resonate not only with the character in the plot but also with the reader, who has undergone similar experiences.

This process is challenging because it requires a profound connection to the human condition, an ability to empathise deeply with varied emotions, and the skill to convey complex insights in a way that is both enlightening and relatable. The goal is to create a transformative experience for the reader, mirroring the journey of the characters in the book. This delicate balance of authenticity, empathy, and insight is what makes this part of the writing process both the most challenging and the most rewarding.

What book (by another author) has had the most significant impact on you, and why?

The book that had the most profound impact on me is Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. This timeless novel captivated me from the very first page, and its influence has lingered throughout my life and career. The intricate exploration of love, suffering, and the complexities of human relationships in Wuthering Heights resonated deeply with me.

Emily Brontë’s portrayal of intense emotions and the tumultuous lives of her characters revealed the raw, unfiltered essence of the human experience. The haunting love story between Heathcliff and Catherine, fraught with passion and torment, illuminated the darker aspects of love and obsession. It was through their story that I began to understand the profound depths of human emotion and the power of storytelling to evoke such emotions.

Another significant influence was Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. The saga of Scarlett O’Hara’s resilience and determination amid the turmoil of the American Civil War and Reconstruction era left a lasting impression on me. Scarlett’s unwavering spirit, her struggles, and her ability to adapt and survive in the face of immense adversity taught me about the strength of the human spirit.

These books inspired me to delve into the complexities of human nature in my writing. They taught me that storytelling is not just about the plot, but about capturing the essence of human emotions, struggles, and triumphs. They encouraged me to embrace the intricacies of love, pain, and growth in my narratives, striving to create characters and stories that resonate with readers on a deeply emotional level.

Reading Wuthering Heights and Gone with the Wind was more than just an experience; it was a journey into the depths of human emotion and resilience. These books opened my eyes to the power of literature to touch hearts, provoke thoughts, and inspire change. They instilled in me a passion for writing stories that explore the full spectrum of human experiences, from the darkest moments of despair to the brightest sparks of hope.

What essential skills do you believe are crucial for an author to succeed in their writing career?

As an author, my heartfelt advice to all aspiring writers is to pour your soul into every word you write. Let your ideas and thoughts be genuinely yours, born from deep reflection and personal experience. Bring a fresh perspective to the challenges you address, and don’t get discouraged if recognition doesn’t come immediately. If your work is authentic and meaningful, it will eventually find its audience.

To aspiring authors, I would say: immerse yourself in the world of literature. Read widely and voraciously across genres and cultures to expand your horizons and ignite your imagination. Appreciate and learn from the works of other writers, recognising that each book offers a unique window into the human experience.

Additionally, seek out or create a supportive community of fellow writers. Engage in forums, participate in writing groups, and share your journey with others. These connections can provide invaluable inspiration, feedback, and encouragement. By supporting and uplifting each other, you can collectively enrich the literary landscape and foster a spirit of camaraderie and growth.

Remember, the path of a writer is often solitary, but it is also deeply rewarding. Stay true to your voice, write with passion and authenticity, and trust that your dedication will eventually resonate with readers. Your stories have the power to touch hearts, provoke thought, and inspire change. Keep writing, keep dreaming, and believe in the impact your words can make.

What does a typical morning look like for you?

Each day is a gift, a new opportunity granted by the grace of the divine. I begin my mornings with a sense of profound gratitude, acknowledging the beauty of nature, the cosmos, the birds, animals, and the presence of those who’ve shaped my life. I take a moment to thank the universe for my well-being and offer silent reverence to my parents, ancestors, mentors, and all the kind souls who have guided me to become who I am today.

After this moment of reflection and prayer, I turn inward to honour my body, my deha, and the senses that allow me to experience the world. I practice a series of gentle asanas, mindful breathing exercises (Pranayama), and Trataka kriyas, each movement and breath bringing a sense of harmony and stillness within. Meditation follows, a quiet refuge where I find clarity and peace, grounding myself for the day ahead.

Once my mind is calm and centered, I jot down my intentions and priorities for the day, aligning my actions with purpose. And then, with a steaming cup of aromatic tea, I begin my work, feeling centered, nourished, and ready to embrace whatever the day has in store.

How do you like to unwind after a long day of work?

I make it a point to wrap up all my activities by 8:00 PM, ensuring that I’ve accomplished everything on my to-do list for the day. Once the tasks are done, I take a moment to pause, closing my eyes in quiet reflection. I mentally revisit the day, acknowledging the positive things I’ve contributed, and feeling gratitude for the opportunities that came my way. I always take a moment to thank the divine for guiding me through another beautiful day, knowing that each day unfolds under the grace of something greater.

After leaving the office, I dedicate the next 90 minutes solely to myself, creating a sacred space for personal relaxation. I might listen to soft, soothing music that calms my mind or indulge in the nostalgia of watching an old movie, allowing myself to drift into a more relaxed state. This time is about unwinding and connecting with my inner self. I make it a priority to be in bed by 10:00 PM, knowing that a peaceful, restful night is essential for greeting the next day with renewed energy and clarity.

How do you prioritize self-care in your daily life?

Prioritizing self-care, for me, begins with cultivating an inner state of calm, where I remain composed regardless of external circumstances. It’s about fully embracing the present moment and engaging in what I love without seeking validation or appreciation from others. My focus is not on the outcome but on the joy that comes from the act of creation itself, which allows me to move through life with a sense of freedom and ease.

I believe self-care is as much about nurturing the mind and spirit as it is about caring for the body. A simple, intentional exercise routine helps maintain physical well-being, but I also engage in practices that quiet the mind and sharpen my senses—whether it’s meditation, mindful breathing, or just taking a pause to appreciate the beauty around me. This holistic approach keeps me aligned and energized.

When it comes to my work, particularly writing, self-care manifests in how I approach each genre and topic I explore. I pour my true emotions and passion into everything I create, seeing it as a reflection of my inner world. Writing isn’t just a task; it’s an expression of self-awareness, an opportunity to explore deeper truths, and, in itself, a form of self-care. It’s where I connect with myself and allow my creative energy to flow naturally, ensuring that what I do aligns with my heart and spirit.

Ultimately, my self-care is about honouring my own rhythm—doing what nourishes my soul and trusting that everything else will fall into place. By focusing on what brings me joy and fulfilment, I maintain a balance that sustains not only my well-being but also my passion for life and work.

Are there any habits or rituals that have greatly contributed to your productivity?

Living in harmony with nature, I’ve come to understand that true creativity flows not from seeking but from listening. The rustling of leaves, the whispers of the wind, the unspoken stories carried by the struggles and triumphs of those around me—all of it seeps into my being, weaving itself into the fabric of my consciousness. I don’t chase inspiration; it finds me in these quiet moments, carried by the divine rhythm of life. It is in this sacred space of self-awareness that I’ve discovered the key to true productivity: when the conscious mind is fully awake, its power surpasses that of mere logic.

Each day, I anchor myself with a grounding ritual that deepens this awareness. Prayer, Pranayama, Trataka Kriya, and meditation create a sanctuary of peace within, aligning my spirit with the day ahead. Before I sit down to write, I reflect on my intentions and fine-tune my schedule, always with a cup of tea in hand—my “elixir,” a quiet companion that sharpens my focus and awakens my creative flow.

For me, writing is not just a practice; it’s a way of life. It is a sacred journey where each day offers an opportunity to learn, to understand, and to connect with the world around me. Nature, with its stillness, and the souls I meet, with their stories, provide endless inspiration. I believe that every creation has its own narrative waiting to be unveiled, and this fuels my passion, allowing my words to flow effortlessly into my professional and personal responsibilities. Writing is more than expression; it is a reflection of life’s pulse, a balance of creativity and duty, driven by a desire to share something meaningful and transformative.

Beyond writing, my heart belongs to the Shree Shambhav Ayur Rakshita Foundation, where we strive to nurture the beauty of existence through acts of compassion. Our mission is to inspire inner transformation, foster spiritual and personal growth, and promote self-healing. Our foundation also champions environmental consciousness with the Shree Shambhav Green Movement, advocating for a deeper connection with our Earth. Additionally, our work with the younger generation through the Shree Shambhav Vidya Vedhika (Vizhuthugal), providing essential support and training to students and children, cultivating their potential to become beacons of light in the world.

In your opinion, what is the purpose of life?

After writing ten books and with five more in the pipeline, each delving into the profound questions of life’s purpose, happiness, inner peace, self-love, and the mysteries of existence, I’ve come to one enduring realization. Through years of deep reflection and heartfelt conversations with the beautiful souls around me—whether human, animal, or nature itself—I’ve learned that the true purpose of life is to celebrate each moment with reverence. It’s about embracing whatever life brings with grace and pursuing your passions with pure intent, free from the burden of expectation. The essence of life lies in discovering joy in the simple act of being, trusting that, in time, the answers we seek will naturally unfold. Our greatest responsibility is to live fully, to let go, and to patiently, wait for life’s mysteries to reveal themselves, knowing that everything we need will come in its own time.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in your journey so far?

Fame, power, and wealth are all transient. I stay focused by constantly reminding myself of my true purpose and the contributions I can make. My existence is just a small part of the vast, interconnected universe, and whatever I accomplish is miniscule compared to the immense gifts I have received.

What can truly make me proud? When everything is bestowed by a higher power, my pride lies in recognising that my achievements are temporary. I find happiness in the moments of kindness and recognition, but I don’t dwell on them. Instead, I move forward to the next task, understanding that my journey is ongoing.

I adhere to a simple yet profound principle: self-awareness. By keeping a clear understanding of who I am and my place in the grand scheme of things, I stay grounded. This awareness helps me navigate the highs and lows, focusing on what truly matters rather than getting lost in the fleeting nature of external accolades, fame and power.

How do you handle setbacks or failures, and what have they taught you?

Reflecting on my life, I can identify three distinct stages. As a child, I lived in a state of pure innocence, finding happiness in the simplest things. However, as I grew older, I drifted into a world of ignorance, relentlessly pursuing materialistic goals without a clear understanding of my true desires or purpose.

Everything changed during a profound moment of loss. Losing someone very dear to me shattered my previous outlook and prompted a significant shift in my perspective. This loss nudged me away from ignorance and back toward a state of innocence. It was a journey of rediscovering simplicity and meaning.

While I’m not entirely certain about everything I’ve learned, one thing stands out: the importance of unlearning. I’ve come to understand that letting go of certain beliefs and habits, ones that do not serve my happiness or growth, is crucial. Unlearning these things has brought me closer to a state of inner peace and contentment.

In essence, the most valuable lesson I’ve grasped is the significance of returning to a simpler, more genuine state of being. Embracing innocence and unlearning the unnecessary have been key to finding true happiness and fulfilment.


Journey of Soul – Karma

Life changing Journey Inspirational quotes Series I and II:

Twenty + One – 21 Short Stories Series I and II

Death: Light of Life and the Shadow of Death 


Whispers of Eternity:

Learn to Love Yourself: A Journey of Discovering Inner Beauty and Strength Through 10 Transformative Rules

The Power of Letting Go: Embrace freedom and Happiness 

A Journey of Lasting Peace: Unveiling Inner Beauty and Strength: 18 Transformative Principles

Technology Books:

Optimum – Python – Ultimate Guide for Beginners – Series 1: Unlock the Power of Python with Optimum’s Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide

Optimum – Exploring Data Structures and Algorithms – Series II – Unlock the Power of Python with Optimum’s Comprehensive Guide!

About the Author

Shree Shambav is a multifaceted visionary who embodies the roles of author, speaker, philanthropist, life coach, and entrepreneur. As a distinguished alumnus of both the Indian Institute of Management and the National Institute of Technology, he blends an exceptional academic pedigree with vast professional experience. Having held prominent positions in multinational corporations, Shree Shambav brings a wealth of knowledge from the business and commercial world, seamlessly integrating his corporate acumen with his passion for personal and collective empowerment.

Drawing upon his unique combination of corporate expertise and deep-rooted commitment to personal growth, Shree Shambav has emerged as a distinguished entrepreneur and mentor. His diverse range of literary works, spanning numerous genres, has not only garnered critical acclaim but has also been nominated for prestigious accolades such as the National and International Excellence Awards. His writing, recognized for its depth and insight, resonates with readers on a global scale, inviting them to explore themes of self-discovery, inner peace, and living authentically.

Shree Shambav’s literary journey began with his acclaimed work, Journey of Soul Karma, which offered profound insights drawn from his rich and varied life experiences. His writings have earned him numerous accolades, including multiple literature awards, and his status as a best-selling author solidifies his influence in the realms of personal development and spiritual growth. His works continue to inspire readers, guiding them on transformative paths toward inner peace and fulfilment.

Beyond his contributions to literature, Shree Shambav’s philanthropic spirit is expressed through the Shree Shambav Ayur Rakshita Foundation, a global initiative dedicated to environmental conservation and fostering a sense of global brotherhood. The foundation champions ecological stewardship through the Shree Shambav Green Movement, advocating for a deeper, more harmonious connection with the Earth. Shree Shambav’s commitment to nurturing the next generation is evident through the Shree Shambav Vidya Vedhika (Vizhuthugal), an initiative that provides essential support, education, and training to students and children, empowering them to grow into enlightened, compassionate leaders.

Shree Shambav’s unwavering dedication to creating positive change reflects the perfect synthesis of wisdom, compassion, and creativity. Through his work, he ignites a global movement of transformation and renewal, inspiring individuals to embrace their potential and contribute to a more harmonious, connected world.

Social Media Links:

Website: https://www.shambav.org/

Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shreeshambav/

Blog: https://blog.shambav.org/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shreeshambav/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@shreeshambav

Interview Links:
