Illuminating Life’s Journey Through Words

India’s literary quilt is woven with vibrant colors but Shree Shambhav’s voice is among the few that are most resonating. Shree Shambhav is a true Renaissance man and his career as philanthropist, writer, life coach and entrepreneur sets him apart from others. His impact on literature and personal development through his transition from business leader to celebrated author has been profound. Today we uncover this amazing writer’s mind to learn more about how he thinks creatively, what motivates him and finally the message he conveys in his writing.

Personal Journey

Shree Shambhav’s formative years were deeply influenced by nature, which became his sanctuary. He delighted in the delicate beauty of flowers and butterflies, the exhilarating chase of kites and dragonflies, and the joy of playing in the pouring rain. This intimate connection with nature became a profound mentor, its influence reflected in his acclaimed works such as the Twenty + One Series, Life-Changing Journey, and Whispers of Eternity.

His creative evolution was shaped by a constellation of mentors: loving individuals in his life, gifted artists, writers, and translators. Their boundless creativity and profound insights enabled him to explore deeper dimensions of artistic expression, fuelling his passion for the arts.

A profound personal loss marked a turning point in Shambhav’s life. He shares, “This sudden tragedy shattered my sense of direction and plunged me into a cloud of doubt and grief. The world seemed to collapse around me as I grappled with profound questions about my identity and purpose.”

This experience led to a seismic shift in his perspective. “As the days unfolded, an acute sensitivity to the pain and suffering of all living beings began to gnaw at my soul,” he reflects. This newfound empathy became the catalyst for his literary journey.

Writing Process

Shambhav dedicates his early mornings to crafting creative content, spending around three hours each day focused solely on this task. Evenings are reserved for refining and elaborating this content with analogies and stories. He begins each day with a grounding ritual that includes prayer, Pranayama, Trataka Kriya, and meditation, setting a serene and focused tone for his work.

For Shambhav, writing is not just a task but a way of life—an ongoing journey of learning, understanding, and connecting with the world around him. He finds inspiration in nature and the people he encounters, believing that every creation has its own story to tell.

About the Books

When asked about the inspiration behind his latest book, Shambhav delves into his exploration of death: “Death has always been a deep mystery to me.” There was an array of queries that I was wrestling with; queries which did not seem to have definite answers. Such as, “why do we only live to die?” and “do we really die or is there something beyond this physical existence?”

His personhood is entwined throughout the tapestry of his characters and plots. “Every character, every plotline, is a mirror to my lessons learned through the experiences that have molded me,” he tells us. “To explore death for instance, I borrowed from experiences where I had lost my dear ones, dealt with grief and quested for truth.”

Shambhav hopes readers will find a deep, resonant understanding of the themes of acceptance, transformation, and the interconnectedness of life and death in his latest book. He seeks to create more respect for life as well as give comfort to people in bereavement.

Creative Insights

Shambhav draws inspiration from the smallest of moments: a fleeting conversation, a mesmerizing sunset, or the tender touch of a loved one. Nature, in particular, is a profound muse for his Twenty + One Series. He shares an anecdote about a kitten and a butterfly that inspired a story, highlighting how such simple interactions provide insights and reflections.

To handle creative blocks, Shambhav relies on a simple yet powerful mantra: “Just wait for good times to turn; there is a reason for everything, and only time will provide better answers.” He gives himself space to breathe and shift focus to other tasks, trusting that ideas will flow again with greater clarity and refinement.

The most challenging part of his writing process is crafting authentic conversations between Guruji and his devotees in his unique “Shambavism” style. “Each dialogue is born from the deep pain, suffering, curiosity, loss, desire, and greed of the followers,” he explains. “These dialogues must transcend mere words and address the profound emotions behind each question.”

Reader Engagement

Connecting with readers on a personal level is one of the most fulfilling aspects of being a writer for Shambhav. He engages through various channels, including social media, book signings, and personal correspondence. The most memorable feedback often comes from readers who have found solace, inspiration, or life-changing insights in his books.

One gentleman wrote to Shambhav, sharing that he was battling severe depression and felt lost amidst life’s turmoil. On the verge of giving up, he stumbled upon “Journey of Soul – Karma,” which transformed his life, helping him rediscover his purpose and understand his existence.

Industry Perspective

Reflecting on the current state of the publishing industry, Shambhav notes the challenges posed by the digital age: “The current state of the publishing industry reflects a world increasingly dominated by digital media, where the act of reading books has notably diminished. This shift often overlooks the intrinsic value of books, each representing a unique human experience and the profound knowledge gained over a lifetime.”

He sees both traditional and self-publishing as viable options for authors today, each with its own strengths and challenges. Shambhav is excited about trends in the literary world, including the rise of diverse voices and stories, the growth of digital and audiobook formats, and the increasing focus on mental health and environmental literature.

Future Projects

Looking ahead to 2025, Shambhav shares his upcoming projects:

– Twenty + One Series IV: Continuing the tradition of weaving compelling short stories that delve into human experiences and emotions.
– Spiritual Maturity: A profound exploration into the realms of spiritual growth and enlightenment.
– Life Changing Journey Series III: Featuring over 3000 new quotes designed to inspire, motivate, and uplift.
– Optimum Series IV and V: Focusing on advanced concepts in machine learning.

Advice and Wisdom

To aspiring authors, Shambhav offers this advice: “Pour your soul into every word you write. Let your ideas and thoughts be genuinely yours, born from deep reflection and personal experience. Bring a fresh perspective to the challenges you address, and don’t get discouraged if recognition doesn’t come immediately. If your work is authentic and meaningful, it will eventually find its audience.”

He emphasizes the importance of reading widely, creating a supportive community of fellow writers, and staying true to one’s voice.

On staying grounded amidst fame, Shambhav reflects: “Fame, power, and wealth are all transient. I stay focused by constantly reminding myself of my true purpose and the contributions I can make. My existence is just a small part of the vast, interconnected universe, and whatever I accomplish is minute compared to the immense gifts I have received.”

Personal Reflections

To unwind, Shambhav disconnects completely from his activities, sometimes practicing Vipassana meditation or retreating to his estates in Kodaikanal and Kanchipuram. “Connecting with nature in this unfiltered way rejuvenates my spirit,” he shares. “The serenity of the natural world, the feel of the earth beneath my fingers, the sound of the rain, and the simplicity of a meal cooked from fresh, natural ingredients all bring me a deep sense of peace.”

When asked about books that have influenced him, Shambhav cites “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë and “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell. These novels inspired him to delve into the complexities of human nature in his writing, embracing the intricacies of love, pain, and growth in his narratives.

From the corporate to a literary icon; Shree Shambhav’s journey proves that change only comes when one follows their destiny. These touching pieces by Shree Shambhav include soul searching poetry and thoughtful stories which continue to inspire people globally. In comparison with other contemporary Indian writers, his writing perspective has a lot more personal touch because it relies on personal experiences, nature, and unconditional love for humanity. The effort he puts into being real as well as serving the interests of his narrative never goes unnoticed even as there is no doubt he will soon start working on a new book. The story of Shree Shambhav goes beyond mere success in writing; it is about how much one person can do when they decide to share their knowledge and experience with others. We readers are lucky enough to have him imparting us some wisdom through his literature and we only look forward to some more works which inspire from this great writer himself who enriches Indian literature day by day.


Shree Shambhav books: